티스토리 뷰

Survey think that the current situation does not change. According to the '2018 Seoul Survey "by the Seoul Metropolitan Government announced in May, 27.7% of respondents' efforts when there is a possibility that the higher the social status' is' low' and answered questions. The widening number answered "very likely" that "lower" than the response the first time since the survey began in 2011. When SiO Some observers also claim that "The SNS and YouTube content that promotes overconsumption". Mr. college B (20) has a purse of a recent luxury brands

Purchased. He said, "Through the YouTube entered the very heart to see this purse was worried a few months," said said. "In the fortress SNS friends also seem easy to buy luxury goods, I did not buy anything I Are 'I had wanted to buy." Mr. B is Being "is in fact winning price can not live only one month living expenses."

It appeared to have fallen. 26 days Kyobo accounted for, things finally seem stops, the No. 1 paperback, according to the aggregated sales for 10 years after the 2010 bestseller cumulative aggregate ranking data from Heather. Hyeotdeon lead to a wider market of one essay on the theme of healing and comfort to the typical winning the best-selling annual general first place for two consecutive years 2012 and 2013 took first place in the general rankings 2010s. 'Love for things that are not perfect, "followed from" the more things calm lightening, respectively

Streaming content server using the space age look, I pick Theater, bookstores, theaters, `` ◆ Sales cliff culture and art Millennial shock ① ◆ starts off work after the real life of the Millennial generation. 29-year-old office worker kicked two years after work pengsu Mr. Kim (not her real name) the 'kaltoe, at 5:30 pm, and life begins listening to music on YouTube premium on the subway. When you arrive at the English school English textbooks to read the e-book subscription service Liddy boutiques. One side sees the US drama "strange stories" to Netflix before going to bed after arriving home. Willing to self-development and content purchases

If 'thus what it Is "thought I heard that," said "yeoyutdon this by a few hundred else, seems to be dozens so is full full collection is also very big money is to be no," he said. Yet, "Just thinking'll want to buy, I attend tour stress receive writing is to think mentally better than to gather the money soon, "he added. Last 20 .30 Millennial generation, mainly (from the early 1980s, early born 2000), gasim rain ',' cow hwakhaeng ',' culture and the spread of yolro '(YOLO)

They were dragging the humanities books right on top. In the 2000s' Secret 'self-development areas' marshmallow story ", such as a magnetic gyebalseo drag the tremendous popularity enjoyed a boom is the state decreased significantly from year to seven kinds of 16 kinds of 2010. Changes in the last 10 years Reading age was also severe. 20 percentage of readers reached about 37% in 2010, was almost halved to 19% this year. 30 readers were down slightly from 29% to 27%, and 40

CNBC is the United States, including foreign media, citing the results of a study published last year in North America Allianz Life, said, "The 90% of the Millennial generation respondents compared to the wealth and lifestyle through SNS and acquaintances." This is Formosan interpreted syndrome (FOMO · the Fear Of Miss afraid of falling behind in fashion. Paul kaelsi consumer analysis is negative, "Millennial generation is greatly to SNS affected than other generations," it said "these consumption habits are not just the magazine quickly If, he warned it would have a long term impact on financial issues. "Kim Ga-Yeon intern reporter katekim221@asiae.co.kr now it's forecasted to show again what about the many long trend from December until early next year. this is a good

Eotneunde heard, I thought that one day, thus applying what is good, "said," If yeoyutdon this by a few hundred else, tens, so the whole seems to be a full collection of even very big money is to be no, "he said. Yet," I'll just want to buy accident , mentally it receives much stress than walking tour to raise money soon

Market Engagement ... and the budget just pick a good topic in places like offices or the training department in the company, I think the French State put something that does not lag behind the trend to both institutions and individuals. But, the fact is, you know ... What about trends gun steam clouds synonymous with international practice collections gatdeoraguyo to catch the sound. It will hand out a multi-persona with this keyword

Bookstore, Kyobo Book Center has two 2-7 year-on-year the number of new store openings in 2017 in 2018, 2019 has decreased rapidly dogs 1. According to the Korean Film Council the annual number of spectators for the National Theater in 2013 rising to 45% from 333 483 pieces in 2018 to a mere 1.4%, rising from 213.35 million people to 216.39 million people. ■ ▷ Millennial (Millennials)

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